Friday, November 6, 2009

Just In! 89.8 % of Americans Working!

 (good news) + (bad news) = 360 View

The hard numbers just came in and they are not soft--it seems the unemployment rate is over ten per cent for the first in twenty-six years. This "soft" recovery is not too cushy for many Americans, but it does seem the tide is slowly turning...

However, things could be a great deal worse. The human instinct is to view bad news as "real" news but that is not an accurate world view.

One of our most common thinking errors is discounting the positive. Yes, unemployment is 10.2 per cent. However, employment is 89.8. When viewing the world in a realistic fashion, don't look at a half full glass or a half empty one either--use your mind to see both parts.

And keep plugging along dear friends...that is what we, as humans, do best.

Happy Friday!

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